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Remco Evenepoel

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I would love to believe the Internet and all of its anonymous commenters are full of true facts only. Unfortunately that Nigerian prince with whom I was enjoying a pleasant correspondence taught me a costly lesson in misplaced credibility. But don't let me interrupt your quest to be the Edward Snowden of Team Remco. It's important to have dreams.
Please just put me on ignore or just don't respond if you can't appreciate inside info. I'm not making any money from commenting like your Nigerian prince, but they have a saying in Dutch / Flemish (and as I look it up, it's coming from the bible so applicable in English as well): pearls for swines.
I just saw the replay of Remco crashing into a photo journalist at speed after a mountaintop finish. The injury sustained is incredible!
When will the Spanish organizers learn to to stop letting moto-bikes cross the finish line with all those photographers standing around?
First they have them riding in the dark, now this.
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Weird how it's only him of the main GC contenders that has bad days isn't it. He'd be more consistent climber if he was doping.
You should take a wee look at history because historically it is super common for even the heaviest dopers to have off days (especially like this, blowing up completely as opposed to merely not performing so well). The truth is bad days tell us virtually nothing about the likelihood that someone dopes
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Hopefully this should end any additional nonsense about doping. Weird how how Remco has bad days off days, and yet those same peopel don't point the finger at Jumbo Visma especially with Hessman getting caught.
Having bad days is not a proof of being clean. Jan Ullrich often had bad days in the Tours when he got smashed by Armstrong, that didn't mean he was clean.
Basso shipped 40 minutes on a Giro stage in 2005, he wasn't clean.
Landis lost 10 minutes the day before his insane recovery to Morzine. He wasn't clean.

In general the easy things people like to point to, things like "rider X is always at high level", "rider X is always in insane peak at his season targets", "rider X is not stable" or "rider X doesn't look tired" are all basically meaningless when it comes to answering whether a rider is clean or doped.
Having bad days is not a proof of being clean. Jan Ullrich often had bad days in the Tours when he got smashed by Armstrong, that didn't mean he was clean.
Basso shipped 40 minutes on a Giro stage in 2005, he wasn't clean.
Landis lost 10 minutes the day before his insane recovery to Morzine. He wasn't clean.

In general the easy things people like to point to, things like "rider X is always at high level", "rider X is always in insane peak at his season targets", "rider X is not stable" or "rider X doesn't look tired" are all basically meaningless when it comes to answering whether a rider is clean or doped.
Sure, nothing proves they aren't doping. If you (rightly) assume all top riders are doped to different degrees, but that the sport is still worth following, it's because some of them maintain at least the illusion of mortality. Pog and now Remco have both had tremendously human looking days this year, whereas JV and Sky before looked like a robot assembly line, and that's what destroys enjoyment of spectation.
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Jan 9, 2023
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On days like this it is frustrating that doping speculation is forbidden in almost every place where you can discuss about pro cycling.
There is one pretty good explanation for Remcos sudden resurrection and it is not somekind of mental problem or bad leg day. Cycling community still turns blind eye to doping.
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