max_powers said:
One Argy deserves a good Bargy, but the Marky+Mark show got caught with their hands in the cookie jar today.
Thoughtforfood said:
IMO it was a BS call. Barredo and Costa came to actual blows...some of which involved a wheel used as a weapon.
Enough other people have replied to this but let me sum it up - 2 skinny *** dudes, wearing helmets, in cycling shoes, post race, one of them with an 800 gram wheel as a 'weapon'....vs headbutting and shutting the door, a ton of riders travelling at 70kph, all trying to impact who will get line honors, points, etc, potentially setting a precedent for further dodgy & dangerous sprints. Hmm, lol. I mean really, if you think a wheel is a viable weapon, you might want to get down to the Y and take up boxing or karate
riobonito92 said:
Watching the overhead video, I am still convinced that Farrar was never in danger of being ridden into the barriers; there was always space for him to come through.
Nup. I recorded the overhead and have blown it up to fill my 27" inch iMac screen
re-watches show renshaw was still closing the door on farrar when farrar reaches out and touches renshaw to say "hey wtf are doing let me thru". If Farrar hadn't put his hand out to stop Renshaw, likely a crash would have resulted, or Farrar would have been 100% blocked.
As it was, Farrar obviously was slowed, and that's also the point. You're supposed to hold your line to lessen the risk of crashes, and to NOT force riders to go around you. Just cos you left some space doesn't mean that forcing them off their line was fair.