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State of Peloton 2023

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Rewatching the 2000 Angliru it's kind of hilarious how Rubiera and particularly Escartin destroyed the group before the steepest part even started.

Probably the only time that the GC group got completely destroyed on the Viapara already.

Maybe even RoboHeras of 2000 paid slightly for the effort on the steep part as I think that was the only time that Angliru was done 100% top to bottom (IMO),
It was "only" 23 seconds faster than in 2013. I think that is the way to go for a fast overall time.
the red flags have never been so obvious.

one team sweeping the podium of a grand tour and winning all three grand tours of the season.

a rider who rode all three grand tours winning on the third one.

entire teams coming to life out of nowhere after a rest day.

four teams taking up 9 spots in the top 10. multiple riders challenging climbing times that predated the EPO test.
Forum needs shutting, it was clearly just a xenophobic anti-anglo hate fest for many years, as bad as the worst far-right *** all over social media except likes of Sky and British cyclists were considered fair game for all the irrational hate by the moderators of this site.

Now that the there is obvious *** cheating from all sorts of europeans and others rather than boring expensively assembled sky train, all the *** here have gaslighted themselves into non-opinions
Forum needs shutting, it was clearly just a xenophobic anti-anglo hate fest for many years, as bad as the worst far-right *** all over social media except likes of Sky and British cyclists were considered fair game for all the irrational hate by the moderators of this site.

Now that the there is obvious *** cheating from all sorts of europeans and others rather than boring expensively assembled sky train, all the *** here have gaslighted themselves into non-opinions
I have no clue what you're on about.
Sky didn't invent doping, and there has been "obvious cheating" in cycling from everyone since day one. Nationality has nothing to do with this.
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Forum needs shutting, it was clearly just a xenophobic anti-anglo hate fest for many years, as bad as the worst far-right *** all over social media except likes of Sky and British cyclists were considered fair game for all the irrational hate by the moderators of this site.

Now that the there is obvious *** cheating from all sorts of europeans and others rather than boring expensively assembled sky train, all the *** here have gaslighted themselves into non-opinions

this is just straight up gaslighting lol. you clearly do not read the forum here at all.
Forum needs shutting, it was clearly just a xenophobic anti-anglo hate fest for many years, as bad as the worst far-right *** all over social media except likes of Sky and British cyclists were considered fair game for all the irrational hate by the moderators of this site.

Now that the there is obvious *** cheating from all sorts of europeans and others rather than boring expensively assembled sky train, all the *** here have gaslighted themselves into non-opinions
Pretty much how it works, yes.
So despite the first part being paced by Tiberi slower than in 2000, 2008, 2013 & 2020, this year's ascent totally dominates the ranking. It's not just a single rider going fast, it truly is the state of the peloton:

Minutes ahead of Froome 2011 and 2017. Nearly a minute faster than Contador’s 2008 time. Crazy. And also, Chris Horner my god…
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Frankly it's about time there was some redress for the single most misunderstood, mistreated, defenseless, oppressed people in world history - the British

Hold that flag up high, iceblink and sam. God save the Queen or somesuch

Lets put this into context with a theoretical group of headlines about Ineos at La vuelta

1. Ben Swift positive for Masking Agent + Police Investigation after helping Thomas win Giro
2. Ben Tullet crashes Rangerover into multiple cars after having heart attack days after helping Sheffield win TofB
3. Bernal, Thomas & Pidock 1-2-3 at La Vuelta never done before in recent history.

Do you think this Clinic would be as silent about all that as they are Jumbo? Obviously not. it would be more fun here though ; )
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Lets put this into context with a theoretical group of headlines about Ineos at La vuelta

1. Ben Swift positive for Masking Agent + Police Investigation after helping Thomas win Giro
2. Ben Tullet crashes Rangerover into multiple cars after having heart attack days after helping Sheffield win TofB
3. Bernal, Thomas & Pidock 1-2-3 at La Vuelta never done before in recent history.

Do you think this Clinic would be as silent about all that as they are Jumbo? Obviously not. it would be more fun here though ; )

The difference is that NOBODY in here belives Jumbo to be clean, they dont preach it as hard as sky did either, and they dont have 400 brits that get paid to defend them online, thats why there is less discussion. as people only post when its completly over the top as the vuelta or tour. no one belives jumbo to be clean, other then a few new to the sport danes maybe that defend vingegaard with their life. as brits did massivly with wiggo or froome
Lets put this into context with a theoretical group of headlines about Ineos at La vuelta

1. Ben Swift positive for Masking Agent + Police Investigation after helping Thomas win Giro
2. Ben Tullet crashes Rangerover into multiple cars after having heart attack days after helping Sheffield win TofB
3. Bernal, Thomas & Pidock 1-2-3 at La Vuelta never done before in recent history.

Do you think this Clinic would be as silent about all that as they are Jumbo? Obviously not. it would be more fun here though ; )
Look I don't know what you're getting out of posting the same debunked crap every week and then ignoring the counterarguments but I'm not contributing to your kink
The difference is that NOBODY in here belives Jumbo to be clean, they dont preach it as hard as sky did either, and they dont have 400 brits that get paid to defend them online, thats why there is less discussion. as people only post when its completly over the top as the vuelta or tour. no one belives jumbo to be clean, other then a few new to the sport danes maybe that defend vingegaard with their life. as brits did massivly with wiggo or froome

it doesn't matter what you believe. I partially get what you mean
but when Sky was winning, its riders were abused for anything they did. remember Rowe's injury was blamed to doping and ostheoporosis. every Sky rider crashing was mocked (Roglic crashes a lot too)
when Sky was winning we heard "cycling is in danger"
it's much quieter now. I don't say Jumbo is not suspicious or not accused
the anger, the anger and obsession is not there anymore
The post-colonial Britain has become a master of two things: 1) they are completely refusing to accept any suggestion that the people in britain have ever done anything wrong. If anyone claims otherwise it is conspiracy to bring down their "great" country. 2) playing the victim: go to a foreign country, get drunk, trash everything, provoke the locals and then get their asses kicked (or worse) by the police or locals & all the british MSM/social media unanimously whine that these barbarians on the continent hate the "great" british people.
The post-colonial Britain has become a master of two things: 1) they are completely refusing to accept any suggestion that the people in britain have ever done anything wrong. If anyone claims otherwise it is conspiracy to bring down their "great" country. 2) playing the victim: go to a foreign country, get drunk, trash everything, provoke the locals and then get their asses kicked (or worse) by the police or locals & all the british MSM/social media unanimously whine that these barbarians on the continent hate the "great" british people.

perfect example. what has colonial Britain got to do with cycling?
or I could even go on a rant about the Dutch colonies and the Boers in South Africa
but it's useless
it's cycling we talking about and the "at least it's not Sky" thought
perfect example. what has colonial Britain got to do with cycling?
or I could even go on a rant about the Dutch colonies and the Boers in South Africa
but it's useless
it's cycling we talking about and the "at least it's not Sky" thought
Did you read your comment? It says "post-colonial Britain". My point is how the british in general see the world. Like the Sky-truthers. They reject all accusations that british teams and athletes have done any cheating or/and play the victim to how much other countries cheat but there is so little comment about that....

By the way, it was your country that put the Boer civilians in concentration camps. But that's very OT.
Did you read your comment? It says "post-colonial Britain". My point is how the british in general see the world. Like the Sky-truthers. They reject all accusations that british teams and athletes have done any cheating or/and play the victim to how much other countries cheat but there is so little comment about that....

By the way, it was your country that put the Boer civilians in concentration camps. But that's very OT.

I am Italian
it doesn't matter what you believe. I partially get what you mean
but when Sky was winning, its riders were abused for anything they did. remember Rowe's injury was blamed to doping and ostheoporosis. every Sky rider crashing was mocked (Roglic crashes a lot too)
when Sky was winning we heard "cycling is in danger"
it's much quieter now. I don't say Jumbo is not suspicious or not accused
the anger, the anger and obsession is not there anymore
Roglic gets mocked for crashing a lot too. The only difference is the forum members have gone down. There’s outrage all over against Jumbo and on this forum. The only difference is there’s not the two sides constantly bickering to rack up posts. Take Vinge’s thread for example; the TT happened and he got a lot of hate, Vinge or Danish fans came and defended him, and then they left. There wasn’t a back and forth arguing. If Jumbo and Sky were swapped in time you’d be talking how the Dutch got all the hate while the Brits don’t.