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Tiger Woods

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Nov 24, 2009
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looks like hecould do with some advice from his advertising campaign
Jun 21, 2009
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this is great


"[...] the world's greatest golfer finally released a statement admitting he was no longer tedious." :D

"Meanwhile gap-toothed television viewers across America's Deep South have expressed relief that Woods has finally started acting like a proper black man.

Alabama grits farmer Roy Hobbs said: "I was gittin' real confused and fearful for a times back there. What with his impeccable manners and white man's speakin' voice, I was thinkin' maybes ma TV was on the fritz.

"But then he done wrecks his pimped-up Cadillac, cheats on his little white babymomma and runs away from the po-lice."
:eek: :D:D
Jul 22, 2009
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ravens said:
i am kind of surprised the skank parade stopped at 3. Have a feeling there could be more. But one of them went on for almost 3 years. Last photo I saw of mistress 3 was not very pretty.

These comments are worthless without pictures!
Jul 22, 2009
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craig1985 said:
Don't think she is that great. You would think Tiger would get better.

This would suggest he has probably boned many women. AKA easy women.

I foresee the sex addict defense coming in all this.
Oct 27, 2009
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craig1985 said:
Don't think she is that great. You would think Tiger would get better.

He did get better with Elin. Tiger is on the prowl. Kinda reminds me of that old Duran Duran song..."I'm on the hunt I'm after you..."
Jul 23, 2009
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scribe said:
Here is Jamiee Grubbs. I think she looks sorta nasty.



I hate to be mean but... that reminds me of my small town high school. Fast forward a few posts and check out the photo of the wifey that Scott posted... the man must have taken a few backswings to the head. :confused:
Aug 3, 2009
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Tiger wants to be famous when it benefits his wallet,well you just can't turn fame off and on when it suits you.Gotta deal with all the fallout that accompanies it:DWhen you mess up the media will run you ragged.Ask Britanny Spears,it made her cuckoo.A damn billionaire and no common sense,sheesh!!!!!His wife is a true babe but beauty is only a small part.Maybe Tiger has taken the trophy mentality into his personal life.If you marry for looks,it probably wont last.Heart and intelligence come into play.
May 18, 2009
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ravens said:
No, he doesn't need to, but if he wants the image battering to end sooner rather than later and on his terms rather than someone else's, answering questions will help out a lot more than one more idiotic self-serving statement on a web page. He will lose less endorsements sooner but will lose lots later. The endorsement crash may happen regardless at this point and should not be his focus. His focus ought to be to save his family and to do what he can, if anything, to earn her trust and her respect. That really has zero to do with the public. I am discussing multiple problems he has.

Any guy whose brain is wired anything like mine is gonna get tired of any p--sy sooner or later. It's just the way the average man's brain works. We are programmed to spread our seed with as many mates as possible. Our humanity does its best to overwhelm that urge.

Thanks for passing judgment on Americans. I didn't realize the rest of the world is so different (mostly because they are not so different).

Well, we agree on not giving the mealy-mouth statement on his website. That made him look weak IMO, and that actually made my opinion of him sink lower. Maybe I'm just not susceptible to fawning over contrite humans.

So, what would you suggest he do? You talk in generalities. Is his legitimate mea culpa like porn...you'll know it when you see it?

Interesting take how men like you are wired to eventually be monogamous, like you say. I don't agree. Then you say we are wired to "spread out seed". I'm confused. :confused: Are you an exception?

If we are wired for monogamy then there would be no temptation to stray when the opportunity presents itself (which I am sure it does alot for him) during marriage "issues". If that was the case marriage wouldn't be such a job you must work at. I've never heard of any men complaining that having casual sex as a job, as something you have to work at. That is, unless you look like me. :eek:

And, I can pass judgements on Americans because I am one. :D If you think western Europeans, for example, in general have the same attitude towards sex and private lives as Americans then you need to get out more.
May 18, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Someone explain how these affairs were supposed to work out. He is one of the most famous people in the world. How did he expect to keep it secret? There are few people unwilling to snap a photo and sell to the tabloids.

See my earlier post; he was an idiot in this regard. Here's how you do this:

1) Get best buddy to get a cell phone in his name for you to use.
2) Use that cell phone to call girls, if necessary. Do not call on your phone, dumba$$.
3) Limit public displays with these women.
4) Get best buddy to fly women around the world, pay buddy back. Do not have $ for the women traceable back to you, dumba$$.
5) If caught, clam up and shoot finger at media with limited statement. Don't put out "wo is me I have family issues and love my wife" BS wimp statements.
6) Weather storm; 6 months later still have endorsements and dignity.

See how easy that is?