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Doping In Athletics

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Jul 17, 2015
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T_S_A_R said:
So running 10km faster on the road (including high fiving the crowd near the end) after a 1500m swim and 40km bike ride than a finalist in the 10km on the track isn't surprising?

He ran it faster than the person who came last (out of 26 runners). And no, it isn't surprising at all.
That doesn't mean he was or wasn't dope-assisted, it just means that the person upthread who claimed he beat "most of the 10k participants" had misremembered or misunderstood the actual results.
May 31, 2011
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Re: Re:

Bernie's eyesore said:
T_S_A_R said:
So running 10km faster on the road (including high fiving the crowd near the end) after a 1500m swim and 40km bike ride than a finalist in the 10km on the track isn't surprising?

Faster than what? It's already been established that The Hitch's post was fabricated.

He was faster than a single finalist in 2012 and three in 2008.
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Bernie's eyesore said:
T_S_A_R said:
So running 10km faster on the road (including high fiving the crowd near the end) after a 1500m swim and 40km bike ride than a finalist in the 10km on the track isn't surprising?

Faster than what? It's already been established that The Hitch's post was fabricated.
Yes, I was wrong.

His time would only beat 4 guys in the final, not 15 as I had suggested. I had misremembered what Gary Lineker said on the day of the actual triathlon 3 years ago, i thought he said Brownlee's time would have beaten more. Or maybe I didn't misremember it and BBC had a false time split on the actual day, or they were overplaying it, as was not uncommon. In either case, I was wrong on the number of competitors.

Tsar's isn't wrong however. His point is different. His point is that even if the number is 4 and not 15 its still surprising that they can do that after a 1500m swim and 40k cycle.
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wendybnt said:
T_S_A_R said:
So running 10km faster on the road (including high fiving the crowd near the end) after a 1500m swim and 40km bike ride than a finalist in the 10km on the track isn't surprising?

He ran it faster than the person who came last (out of 26 runners). And no, it isn't surprising at all.
That doesn't mean he was or wasn't dope-assisted, it just means that the person upthread who claimed he beat "most of the 10k participants" had misremembered or misunderstood the actual results.

There were 30 runners and he would have come 26th and 25th if he didn't stop to celebrate.
Jun 15, 2009
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So doper Campell-Brown steps into another lane and runs from there until the finish line (thus breaking rules in most blatant way), and still is allowed to run the semis and qualifies for the final? The rules dont count for the rule breakers? :confused: :eek:

Omg, Benotti & Co cycling is the worst WWF kind of... what is IAAF then? No, IAAF is the worst out there, cycling is heaven in comparison...
The problem with comparing any time with a championship 10k is the championship 10k can often be a jog (as far as international athletes go) for a significant proportion of the race with a fast period towards the finish, so comparative times don't say much, now it the race winner was close to the WR that would be a different story.

FoxxyBrown1111 said:
So doper Campell-Brown steps into another lane and runs from there until the finish line (thus breaking rules in most blatant way), and still is allowed to run the semis and qualifies for the final? The rules dont count for the rule breakers? :confused: :eek:

Omg, Benotti & Co cycling is the worst WWF kind of... what is IAAF then? No, IAAF is the worst out there, cycling is heaven in comparison...

Had she stepped into the lane inside of her one, then yes instant DQ. (though depending upon severity if you just clip the line especially in the straight you may get reinstated upon appeal).

Because it was the lane outside of hers, the rules state to DQ only if there is impedance of the runner in that lane, which as there was a clear gap is certainly arguably true.

del1962 said:
The problem with comparing any time with a championship 10k is the championship 10k can often be a jog (as far as international athletes go) for a significant proportion of the race with a fast period towards the finish, so comparative times don't say much, now it the race winner was close to the WR that would be a different story.
Not everyone is Froome that they can beat the doped records even when fatigued

del1962 said:
The problem with comparing any time with a championship 10k is the championship 10k can often be a jog (as far as international athletes go) for a significant proportion of the race with a fast period towards the finish, so comparative times don't say much, now it the race winner was close to the WR that would be a different story.

It was ~30 secs slower than the 2012 best time, and a long way off WR pace ( about 75 secs).

The WR holder finished 4th IIRC
Sep 29, 2012
The biggest benefit of doping, for any sport, is recovery, allowing you to train harder for longer. This applies to cycling, 100m sprinting, jumping, anything where you have to move your body.

EPO, HgH and steroids all assist in this endeavour.
Apr 7, 2015
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Dear Wiggo said:
The biggest benefit of doping, for any sport, is recovery, allowing you to train harder for longer. This applies to cycling, 100m sprinting, jumping, anything where you have to move your body.

EPO, HgH and steroids all assist in this endeavour.
And allowing you to stay injury free, or, if you are already injured, recover faster.

I will never doubt Bolts doctor again.
Sep 29, 2012
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Lyon said:
Dear Wiggo said:
The biggest benefit of doping, for any sport, is recovery, allowing you to train harder for longer. This applies to cycling, 100m sprinting, jumping, anything where you have to move your body.

EPO, HgH and steroids all assist in this endeavour.
And allowing you to stay injury free, or, if you are already injured, recover faster.

I will never doubt Bolts doctor again.

And people persist in saying clean athletes can beat doped ones.

I can't even.
Jun 15, 2009
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Re: Re:

Catwhoorg said:
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
So doper Campell-Brown steps into another lane and runs from there until the finish line (thus breaking rules in most blatant way), and still is allowed to run the semis and qualifies for the final? The rules dont count for the rule breakers? :confused: :eek:

Omg, Benotti & Co cycling is the worst WWF kind of... what is IAAF then? No, IAAF is the worst out there, cycling is heaven in comparison...

Had she stepped into the lane inside of her one, then yes instant DQ. (though depending upon severity if you just clip the line especially in the straight you may get reinstated upon appeal).

Because it was the lane outside of hers, the rules state to DQ only if there is impedance of the runner in that lane, which as there was a clear gap is certainly arguably true.

So iow if you break the rules big enough, you stay in the game. If you just touch the other lane, you get DQed.

No normal human with common sense understands that. Not a single one.

Thus, IAAF: Biggest farce on (sports) earth.

The Witz-Bolt peaking at the right time, after running 10.2s and 20.1s during the season, he doped himself up to the point, while Gatlin at least showed consistency over the last two seasons.

As said before: The chance Bolt dopes is 100%, while Gatlins is any percentage below exact 100.0% (even though if it means 99.99%). ;)
May 26, 2010
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FoxxyBrown1111 said:
So doper Campell-Brown steps into another lane and runs from there until the finish line (thus breaking rules in most blatant way), and still is allowed to run the semis and qualifies for the final? The rules dont count for the rule breakers? :confused: :eek:

Omg, Benotti & Co cycling is the worst WWF kind of... what is IAAF then? No, IAAF is the worst out there, cycling is heaven in comparison...

I dont follow athletics. Never did. But yep sport is corrupt. I compared it to the organised crime and someone thought, how can they compare it to the organised crim?. Well the federations run what are essentially protection rackets for the biggest sponsors and their athletes while taking back handers to do so.

Seb Coe running the IAAF while taking a figure salary from nike? How is that not a protection racket?