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Lance Refuses to give Blood Sample to USADA

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Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Sprocket01 said:
You were making an argument that he uses private jets to transport frozen blood. After seeming to realise lots of holes in that theory, you have now naunced it to "most of it is done in Europe"

It was a nice nuance. I would have done the same.

I never "made an argument that he uses Private Jets to transport blood"- others seemed to think that the logistics would be almost impossible.

I put forth an arguement that it is quite easy to do.

Do not try and misrepresent what I say!!
Sprocket01 said:
What's Rain Man got to do with it?

You have no theory and don't believe a word it, okay. Fair enough.

You're correct that I didn't make a theory but incorrect in stating that I don't believe what Vaughters wrote. In my post that you quoted just a few posts above I wrote that I believe what Vaughters wrote. This is another example of your reading comprehension problems and where mental retardation comes into play for you.
Dr. Maserati said:
I never "made an argument that he uses Private Jets to transport blood"- others seemed to think that the logistics would be almost impossible.

I put forth an arguement that it is quite easy to do.

Do not try and misrepresent what I say!!

It's kind of like having a circular conversation about religion with a drunken zealot is it not?


Mar 11, 2009
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BikeCentric says... I'm sorry but you have not taken Economics 101 if you don't think the risk/reward ratio is in favor of a pro cyclist doping.

Mr Centric, risk/reward ratios are typically not covered in Econ101,
usually a topic covered in Managerial Accounting or Financial Accounting.
Some specialized Econ courses DO discuss the topic, however.

And I am not talking about "a doper", I am talking about Lance 2009.

The risk/reward for Lance THIS year is VERY different from the zany
antics of the "Floyd on a Scooter Era". That paid off handsomely!

Have you seen how much RADIOSHACK stock has shot up since Lance
received his stock options?

LAF is having a banner year in a bad economy also.

It would take a lot of ball for Lance to dope this year.
But hey, if anyone could pull it off it would be him!

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Polish said:
BikeCentric says... I'm sorry but you have not taken Economics 101 if you don't think the risk/reward ratio is in favor of a pro cyclist doping.

Mr Centric, risk/reward ratios are typically not covered in Econ101,
usually a topic covered in Managerial Accounting or Financial Accounting.
Some specialized Econ courses DO discuss the topic, however.

And I am not talking about "a doper", I am talking about Lance 2009.

The risk/reward for Lance THIS year is VERY different from the zany
antics of the "Floyd on a Scooter Era". That paid off handsomely!

Have you seen how much RADIOSHACK stock has shot up since Lance
received his stock options?

LAF is having a banner year in a bad economy also.

It would take a lot of ball for Lance to dope this year.
But hey, if anyone could pull it off it would be him!

But there was little risk this year.
Autologus blood transfusions cannot be detected. Which is why the Biological Passport was set up. Then when there are two spikes from his profile during the Tour there is not even a comment from the UCI.

The only risk came from the Gendarmerie- and even then they would have to catch him with the IV in his arm.

I didn't know he has stock in RS - but he has equity through Livestrong.com, add in the endorsements and appearance fee's I mentioned earlier and its a good years work.

Small Risk - substantial Reward
Polish said:
BikeCentric says... I'm sorry but you have not taken Economics 101 if you don't think the risk/reward ratio is in favor of a pro cyclist doping.

Mr Centric, risk/reward ratios are typically not covered in Econ101,
usually a topic covered in Managerial Accounting or Financial Accounting.
Some specialized Econ courses DO discuss the topic, however.

And I am not talking about "a doper", I am talking about Lance 2009.

The risk/reward for Lance THIS year is VERY different from the zany
antics of the "Floyd on a Scooter Era". That paid off handsomely!

Have you seen how much RADIOSHACK stock has shot up since Lance
received his stock options?

LAF is having a banner year in a bad economy also.

It would take a lot of ball for Lance to dope this year.
But hey, if anyone could pull it off it would be him!

I was an Economics major; risk/reward is absolutely covered in 101 unless you've got a terrible professor because it's one of the most basic and important economic concepts.
Polish said:
BikeCentric says... I'm sorry but you have not taken Economics 101 if you don't think the risk/reward ratio is in favor of a pro cyclist doping.

Mr Centric, risk/reward ratios are typically not covered in Econ101,
usually a topic covered in Managerial Accounting or Financial Accounting.
Some specialized Econ courses DO discuss the topic, however.

And I am not talking about "a doper", I am talking about Lance 2009.

The risk/reward for Lance THIS year is VERY different from the zany
antics of the "Floyd on a Scooter Era". That paid off handsomely!

Have you seen how much RADIOSHACK stock has shot up since Lance
received his stock options?

LAF is having a banner year in a bad economy also.

It would take a lot of ball for Lance to dope this year.
But hey, if anyone could pull it off it would be him!

Also you are confusing the economic concept of risk/reward expressed as a ratio with ratio analysis of financial statements. Ratio analysis such as Price/Earnings and Price/Cash Flow would be covered in Financial Accounting and Equity Analysis. Risk/reward is not a financial accounting ratio but is rather a basic economic concept.


Mar 11, 2009
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The Dismal Science

BikeCentric said:
I was an Economics major; risk/reward is absolutely covered in 101 unless you've got a terrible professor because it's one of the most basic and important economic concepts.

Most of my Econ Profs were quite dismal as I recall...
ECON 101 is entry level supply/demand models yawn...

Lance, a high school dropout, did not need a Econ Major to become
a master of risk/reward payoff ;(
Sep 25, 2009
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campy sucks.

Polish said:
BikeCentric says... I'm sorry but you have not taken Economics 101 if you don't think the risk/reward ratio is in favor of a pro cyclist doping.

Mr Centric, risk/reward ratios are typically not covered in Econ101,
usually a topic covered in Managerial Accounting or Financial Accounting.
Some specialized Econ courses DO discuss the topic, however.

And I am not talking about "a doper", I am talking about Lance 2009.

The risk/reward for Lance THIS year is VERY different from the zany
antics of the "Floyd on a Scooter Era". That paid off handsomely!

Have you seen how much RADIOSHACK stock has shot up since Lance
received his stock options?

LAF is having a banner year in a bad economy also.

It would take a lot of ball for Lance to dope this year.
But hey, if anyone could pull it off it would be him!
i don't think you appreciate shimano.


Mar 11, 2009
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Supply and Demand

BikeCentric said:
I was an Economics major; risk/reward is absolutely covered in 101 unless you've got a terrible professor because it's one of the most basic and important economic concepts.

Risk/Reward is not even CLOSE to being a most important econ concept.
And you were an Econ Major? Can you site a Econ 101 text that even
discusses risk/reward in passing? One of your textbooks would be ok I suppose.
Jun 18, 2009
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Polish said:
Risk/Reward is not even CLOSE to being a most important econ concept.
And you were an Econ Major? Can you site a Econ 101 text that even
discusses risk/reward in passing? One of your textbooks would be ok I suppose.

I guess the point everyone is missing is that he as an "Econ Major." He never said he was an Economist.


Oct 5, 2009
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Dr. Maserati said:
For probably the first time in this thread I actually agree with something you posted.

Well most of what I said were questions about the related issues, and just between me and you, the proposed answers only raised even more questions in my head. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it one day.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Sprocket01 said:
Well most of what I said were questions about the related issues, and just between me and you, the proposed answers only raised even more questions in my head. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it one day.

Its ok Greg - things have become a lot more sophisticated and organised since your day.
Aug 13, 2009
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Sprocket01 said:
Well most of what I said were questions about the related issues, and just between me and you, the proposed answers only raised even more questions in my head. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it one day.

Tell us more about these voices in your head....
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