Slavique Nuke
You seem to come to this thread every few months and literally try to start the same argument over and over again. Already the fourth comment in this thread from 2020 tried to explain this to your banned/deleted account.Now compare these results to his pre-UAE time trials.
I think it's a bit harsh calling his 2017-18 as hit and miss. He won the biggest junior race in the world, while riding for a very small team. Of course his TTing and general level is going to take a big step up when he leaves a CT to join a World Tour team with much better coaching, facilities and equipment.
The pre-UAE ITT sample size is quite low. It's often difficult to determine what might have happened in some races without more detailed coverage, which is rare in junior races.
Btw, in the junior races, the ITT is usually held on a day when there are two stages in one day. For example, his worst ITT result was in the Juniors Peace Race in Czehia, but he won the other stage later that day. Perhaps he took the ITT easy and saved his energy for the second stage. There was a race in Switzerland where he was last on the stage, more than 20 minutes behind, maybe he was involved in a crash. I don't know, but doing ITT afterwards was certainly not ideal..
So my view is that just checking ITT results from junior races on the PCS and drawing conclusions from them is completely pointless.